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Animals Like Wojtek the Bear During War and Peace Ep 22

Animals Like Wojtek the Bear During War and Peace Ep 22

David Tabar David Tabar
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Episode 22 - Animals like Wojtek during War and Peace

In the last two podcasts we learned about Smoky The War Dog and her unofficial, yet instrumental role in serving and entertaining troops during World War II. We also learned about her trainer, Corporal William A Wynne, who as an airborne reconnaissance photographer, brought the world's attention to this small 4 pound Yorkshire Terrier found in a New Guinea foxhole. 

Smoky helped to deliver calm and peace to numerous wartime personnel who were injured and suffering. She continued to serve as both a therapy dog and entertainer throughout the Midwest following Wynne's brief work as a Hollywood dog trainer. 

One of the most famous military animals known in Australia is a donkey known as Murphy (also known as “Abdul” or “Duffy”). During World War I, John Simpson Kirkpatrick, an Australian soldier, used a donkey to transport wounded soldiers to safety. His actions became legendary, symbolizing bravery and selflessness in the face of danger. Simpson and his donkey became iconic figures in Australian military history. 

Sergeant Stubby was an American war dog who served in World War I in France. He became famous for his bravery and loyalty, participating in numerous battles alongside U.S. Soldiers using his keen senses to warn of poison gas attacks. He even apprehended a German spy in the trenches. Sergeant Stubby is one of the most celebrated wartime dogs globally. 

Wojtek was an extraordinary Syrian brown bear who was adopted by Polish soldiers during World War II. Wojtekbecame an official member of the Polish Army and participated in battles, carrying ammunition while providing moral support to the troops. His story is celebrated in Poland and around the world as a symbol of courage, companionship, and the bond between animals and humans during war time.

Photo from  https://sgtreckless.com/

Sergeant Reckless was a war horse who served with the United States Marine Corps during The Korean War. Despite her designation as a horse, Sergeant Reckless is often celebrated alongside other famous military animals for her extraordinary contributions and bravery on the battlefield. She carried ammunition and wounded soldiers, and her story has been widely documented and celebrated. She earned numerous awards and honors, including two purple hearts. 

Did you know that there was a National Services Memorial Act recently passed by Congress, which approved and authorized the building of a Memorial on federal land in Washington, DC? There is broad bipartisan support to commemorate the heroic deeds and sacrifices of service animals and handlers in the United States. 

Next week, be sure to tune into Mighty Line Minute to learn more about the planning for this Memorial, as well as hearing directly from world-famed animal sculptor, Susan Bahary of San Francisco. 

Thanks everyone for tuning into today's Mighty Line Minute. 

I look forward to seeing you on the next one. Be sure to take a look at Mighty Line's industrial safety products to help you or your management with 5S, safety planning and code compliance. Their line of floor safety enhancements includes signage, floor striping, and safety color-coded products that are recognized as “The best of the best!”

Remarkable stories of Animal Heroes

Image From - https://www.militarytimes.com/2017/06/07/stubby-s-story-all-about-the-iconic-world-war-i-war-dog-and-star-of-an-upcoming-animated-film/

Throughout history, animals have played a crucial role in supporting and protecting humans during times of war. From the trenches of World War I to the battlefields of Korea, these remarkable creatures have demonstrated unwavering loyalty, bravery, and dedication to their human companions. Their stories serve as a testament to the unbreakable bond between humans and animals, even in the most challenging circumstances.

In this article, we will explore some of the most incredible tales of animal heroes who served alongside soldiers in major conflicts of the 20th century. From the legendary exploits of Stubby the war dog and Wojtek the bear in World War I, to the unforgettable contributions of Smoky and other animal soldiers in World War II, and the awe-inspiring story of Sergeant Reckless during the Korean War. We will delve into the unique roles these animals played and the indelible mark they left on the hearts of the soldiers they served with.

Legendary Animal Heroes of World War I

During World War I, several remarkable animals displayed extraordinary courage and loyalty, leaving an indelible mark on history. Among these legendary heroes were Murphy the donkey, Sergeant Stubby the war dog, and Wojtek the bear, each with their own unique stories of bravery and companionship.

The Gallant Donkey: Murphy's Role in Saving Lives

One of Australia's most famous military animals was a donkey named Murphy, also known as "Abdul" or "Duffy." During the war, an Australian soldier named John Simpson Kirkpatrick used Murphy to transport wounded soldiers to safety. Kirkpatrick and Murphy's actions became legendary, symbolizing bravery and selflessness in the face of danger. The duo became iconic figures in Australian military history, with their story exemplifying the strong bond between humans and animals in times of war.

Murphy's tireless efforts in carrying injured soldiers from the battlefield to medical aid stations saved countless lives. The donkey's strength, endurance, and gentle nature made him an invaluable asset to the Australian forces. Murphy's legacy continues to inspire people around the world, serving as a reminder of the significant role animals have played in wartime.

Sergeant Stubby's Bravery: Beyond Being a War Dog

Sergeant Stubby, an American war dog, served in France during World War I and became famous for his bravery and loyalty. Stubby participated in numerous battles alongside U.S. soldiers, using his keen senses to warn them of incoming poison gas attacks and other dangers. His alertness and quick thinking saved many lives on the battlefield.

Sergeant Stubby's Achievements


Battles Participated


Gas Attacks Warned


German Spy Captured


In addition to his gas detection skills, Stubby once apprehended a German spy in the trenches, demonstrating his intelligence and dedication to his fellow soldiers. Stubby's bravery and loyalty earned him the rank of Sergeant, making him the most decorated war dog in U.S. history. His story continues to be celebrated globally as a symbol of the unbreakable bond between humans and their canine companions.

  1. Wojtek the Bear: An Unlikely Soldier
  2. Wojtek's Journey from Cub to Corporal
  3. A Symbol of Courage and Camaraderie

Wojtek, a Syrian brown bear, was adopted by Polish soldiers during World War II and became an official member of the Polish Army. He participated in battles, carrying ammunition and providing moral support to the troops. Wojtek's story, celebrated in Poland and around the world, serves as a testament to the enduring friendship between animals and humans in the face of adversity. Known affectionately as Corporal Wojtek, the Polish War Bear, his remarkable journey from a bear in WW2 to a celebrated Polish military bear showcases the extraordinary bond between Wojtek and the Polish army.

These legendary animal heroes of World War I demonstrated that courage, loyalty, and the bond between humans and animals know no boundaries. Their stories continue to inspire generations, reminding us of the incredible sacrifices made by both humans and animals during times of war.

World War II’s Unforgettable Animal Soldiers

World War II witnessed the incredible contributions of animal heroes who served alongside soldiers on the frontlines. These brave creatures, ranging from dogs to bears, played crucial roles in providing support, boosting morale, and even saving lives. Two of the most remarkable animal soldiers of this era were Smoky the War Dog and Wojtek the Bear, whose stories of bravery and loyalty continue to inspire.

Smoky the War Dog: More Than a Military Mascot

Smoky, a Yorkshire Terrier, was found in an abandoned foxhole in New Guinea by American soldiers during World War II. She quickly became a beloved companion and an unofficial mascot for the troops. However, Smoky's role extended far beyond being a mere mascot:

  1. She accompanied soldiers on combat missions, warning them of incoming attacks and providing comfort during difficult times.
  2. Smoky's small size allowed her to navigate through tight spaces, making her an ideal candidate for running telegraph wire through a narrow pipe, a task that would have taken soldiers days to complete.
  3. She entertained troops with various tricks and performances, helping to boost morale and alleviate the stresses of war.

Smoky's bravery and loyalty earned her the title of the first therapy dog, as she visited and comforted wounded soldiers in hospitals. Her story showcases the profound impact that animals can have on the lives of soldiers during wartime.

Wojtek the Bear: An Unconventional Soldier

Wojtek, a Syrian brown bear, was adopted by Polish soldiers during World War II and became an official member of the 22nd Artillery Supply Company. His extraordinary journey from orphaned cub to war hero is a testament to the unique bond between animals and humans in the face of adversity.

Wojtek's Contributions


Ammunition Carrier

Wojtek learned to carry heavy ammunition boxes, providing crucial support to the soldiers during the Battle of Monte Cassino. His role in carrying ammo, akin to a bear armory, underscored the versatility and unexpected capabilities of animals in military operations.

Morale Booster

His presence and antics brought joy and comfort to the troops, helping them cope with the hardships of war.

Symbol of Hope

Wojtek's story inspired people around the world, becoming a symbol of resilience and unity in the face of adversity.

Wojtek's service in the Polish Army showcased the incredible adaptability and loyalty of animals, even in the most unconventional circumstances. His legacy continues to be celebrated in Poland and around the world as a reminder of the unbreakable bond between humans and animals.

The Korean War and Sergeant Reckless

The Korean War, which lasted from 1950 to 1953, saw the emergence of an unlikely hero: a horse named Sergeant Reckless. Despite being an animal, Sergeant Reckless is celebrated alongside other famous military animals for her extraordinary contributions and bravery on the battlefield. She served with the United States Marine Corps, carrying ammunition and wounded soldiers, and her story has been widely documented and celebrated.

From Racehorse to War Hero: The Tale of Sergeant Reckless

Sergeant Reckless, a Mongolian mare, was purchased by the United States Marine Corps in 1952 for $250. She was trained to carry ammunition and wounded soldiers, and quickly proved her worth on the battlefield. During the Battle of Outpost Vegas in March 1953, Sergeant Reckless made 51 solo trips in a single day, carrying a total of 9,000 pounds of ammunition and walking over 35 miles through enemy fire.

Sergeant Reckless' Achievements


Solo trips in a single day


Ammunition carried

9,000 pounds

Distance walked through enemy fire

Over 35 miles

Sergeant Reckless' bravery and dedication earned her numerous awards and honors, including two Purple Hearts and a Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal. She was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant in 1959, making her the first animal to hold an official rank in the United States military.

Honoring Sergeant Reckless: Recognition and Memorials

  1. In 2016, a bronze statue of Sergeant Reckless was unveiled at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Virginia, to honor her service and sacrifice.
  2. The Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in California named a stable after Sergeant Reckless, ensuring that her legacy lives on.
  3. Sergeant Reckless' story has been featured in numerous books, documentaries, and articles, cementing her place in military history.

Recently, the National Services Memorial Act was passed by Congress, approving the construction of a memorial on federal land in Washington, D.C., to commemorate the heroic deeds and sacrifices of service animals and their handlers in the United States. This memorial will further honor the contributions of animals like Sergeant Reckless, who served alongside their human companions in times of war.

The Bond Between Soldiers and Their Animal Comrades

Throughout history, animals have played a vital role in supporting soldiers during times of war. The bond between soldiers and their animal companions is a testament to the unwavering loyalty and emotional support these creatures provide amidst the chaos and trauma of the battlefield.

Understanding the Psychological Impact

The presence of animals in war zones has a profound psychological impact on soldiers. These loyal companions offer a sense of normalcy and comfort in an otherwise hostile environment. They provide soldiers with a much-needed emotional outlet, allowing them to express their feelings and find solace in their animal friends.

Benefits of Animal Companionship


Stress Reduction

Animals help alleviate stress and anxiety, providing a calming presence during difficult times.

Emotional Support

Soldiers can confide in their animal companions, finding comfort and understanding in their presence.

Sense of Purpose

Caring for an animal gives soldiers a sense of responsibility and purpose, helping them maintain their mental well-being.

Companion and Protector: The Dual Roles of War Animals

War animals serve not only as loyal companions but also as protectors, often risking their own lives to ensure the safety of their human counterparts. From dogs detecting explosives to horses carrying soldiers through treacherous terrain, these animals demonstrate remarkable bravery and dedication.

  1. Dogs: Military working dogs are trained to detect explosives, track enemy combatants, and provide security for their handlers. Their keen senses and unwavering loyalty make them invaluable assets on the battlefield.
  2. Horses: Throughout history, horses have been used to transport soldiers and supplies across vast distances. Their strength and endurance have been crucial in many military campaigns, and the bond between a soldier and their horse is one of deep trust and respect.
  3. Pigeons: Carrier pigeons have been used to deliver critical messages during times of war. These small but resilient birds have navigated through dangerous conditions to ensure that vital information reaches its destination.

The bond between soldiers and their animal comrades is a testament to the power of companionship and the resilience of the human spirit. These animals provide not only practical assistance but also emotional support, helping soldiers cope with the challenges of war and maintain their mental well-being. As we honor the sacrifices made by both human and animal heroes, we must remember the unbreakable bond that exists between them.


Throughout history, animals have demonstrated incredible bravery, loyalty, and dedication while serving alongside soldiers in times of war. From the legendary exploits of Stubby the war dog and Wojtek the bear in World War I to the unforgettable contributions of Smoky and Sergeant Reckless in World War II and the Korean War, these animal heroes, including Wojtek, the bear, have left an indelible mark on the hearts of the soldiers they served with. Their stories serve as a testament to the unbreakable bond between humans and animals, even in the most challenging circumstances.

As we reflect on the remarkable tales of these animal heroes, it is essential to recognize the vital role they played in supporting and protecting soldiers during times of war. Their unwavering loyalty, bravery, and emotional support have had a profound impact on the lives of countless soldiers, helping them cope with the challenges of war and maintain their mental well-being. To learn more about safety topics and toolbox talks, visit Mighty Line's Safety Talk and Toolbox Talk Topics blog category.


1. Who is considered the most heroic animal in history?
Balto, memorialized with a statue in Central Park since December 1925, is often celebrated for his role in the legendary Serum Run. However, Togo, who also participated in the Serum Run, received significant recognition and was named "The World's Most Heroic Animal" by Time Magazine in 2011, further popularized by Disney's film adaptation.

2. Can you name some animals that are considered heroes?
Numerous animals have displayed heroic actions. Notable examples include Sandra, an orangutan from Argentina; Hachiko, a loyal dog from Japan; a pod of life-saving dolphins in New Zealand; Kabang, a courageous dog from the Philippines; Tara, a brave cat in the United States; and Margarita and Carmen, two cows from Spain who performed heroic acts.

3. What animals are emblematic of heroism?
In symbolism, the tiger and the koi fish are both revered as icons of courage and heroism, representing the valor and bravery required to be considered a hero.

4. What are the true stories of animal heroes about?
The book 'True Tales of Animal Heroes' recounts various inspiring stories where animals have dramatically saved human lives. These include a dog rescuing children from a burning house, a cat protecting its owner's dog from a pit bull attack, and two dolphins intervening to save a girl from a shark.

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Photo from https://time.com/4731787/wojtek-the-bear-history/





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